Un chierico inglese di nome Rahere venne pellegrino a Roma, probabilmente nella prima decade del XII secolo, si ammalò, e guarì miracolosamente grazie all’intervento di San Bartolomeo. Tornato a Londra, fondò il più antico ospedale di Londra, attivo fino ad oggi, intitolato a San Bartolomeo. A 900 anni dalla fondazione, si terrà per la prima volta presso la Basilica di San Bartolomeo all’Isola una giornata di studi sull’argomento, in collegamento con Londra, riallacciando una storia iniziata nove secoli fa. 

Organized in collaboration with Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, and taking place in the stunning Basilica San Bartolomeo in Rome, this event will celebrate 900 years of Barts Hospital and highlight its origins in Rome. With talks delivered by London and Rome based staff covering both historical and medical topics this event will spotlight the international connection and shared heritage of both institutions.

Dating back to 998CE the basilica contains putative relics of St Bartholomew the Apostle. It is located on Tiber Island which has been associated with healing throughout history and features a hospital operating continuously since 1584.

The Basilica is the site of a vision experienced by Rahere during his pilgrimage to Rome. He fell grievously ill and at death’s door, he claimed to have had a vision of St Bartholomew, patron saint of doctors and healers, who directed him to build a hospital for the treatment of the poor and needy upon his return to London.


09.00-9.40           Welcome & Opening

Welcome Address by the Rector of Basilica di San Bartolomeo –Don Angelo Romano

Welcome by the Symposium Chairs Professor Sir Mark Caulfield Professor Paolo Pozzilli Professor David Leslie

Institutional welcome by UK Embassy to the Holy See – Ambassador Christopher J. Trott

Welcome address by the Rector of Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome – Professor Eugenio Guglielmelli

09:40 -10:00        The History of Barts and Rome

Professor Charles Knight

10:00 – 10:20      Rahere and Medicine in the 12th Century – Professor Virginia Davis

10:20 – 10:40       Barts the Great in London Fr Marcus Walker

10:40 – 11:00       The Basilica of San Bartolomeo at the time of Rahere Professor Alessandra Milella

11:00 – 11:25       Coffee Break 

Common Chronic Disease – Autoimmunity and Inflammation Session Chairs: Professors Aine McKnight and Ahuva Nissim

11:25 – 11.40      Autoinflammatory Diseases Professor Mauro Perretti

11:40 – 11:55       Diabetes: Barts, Fate and Miasma Professor David Leslie

11:55 – 12:10       Stratified medicine in Rheumatoid arthritis – Professor Costantino Pitzalis

12:10 – 12:25       Common Chronic Disease – Autoimmunity: Panel Discussion

12:25 – 12:40       Transforming Genomics in  Healthcare Professor Sir Mark Caulfield Common Chronic Disease – Macrovascular Disease Session chairs: Doctor Antonio Creta and Professor Federica Marelli-Berg

12:40 – 12:55       Making an impact in the prevention of cardiovascular disease – Professor Sir Nicholas Wald

12:55 – 13:10       Innate Immunity Inflammation and Cancer – Professor Alberto Mantovani 

13:10 – 13:25        Common Chronic Disease – Macrovascular Disease: Panel discussion

13:25 – 13:35       Final Remarks – Professor Paolo Pozzilli  Professor Charles Knight